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In His Presence #022 – Do you have a stone?

So, when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first. “John 8:7

God loves people, especially sinners. Its why He sent His only Son to die on the cross. You were forgiven because of the price that Jesus paid on the cross not because you are worthy.

A forgiven person should be able to extent forgiveness to another. To whom much is given, much is therefore expected. One who has been forgiven the most, should be most forgiving. Every one of us who has been redeemed has been forgiven much. We should be able to treat others as the LORD has treated us.

For the LORD to waive the death penalty that was upon us doesn’t elevate us to a position of self-righteousness, instead it should make us like Him, as we have received from Him, so we should be able to extend to others.

It’s a pity that the church today preaches condemnation, judgment against those whom the LORD has already extended forgiveness. To cast a stone at another when they sin against us is wrong in the eyes of the LORD, to hold a stone in itself and not cast it is equally wrong, so is the thought of picking up a stone in the first place.

The hardest thing for Christians is to rise up beyond condemnation when dealing with those who are living in sin. When a brother notices a brother in sin, everyone else will know of it except the one in the wrong. We pass judgement as though we ourselves are without sin.

There is something else I have noticed in the body of Christ today, one who has been forgiven much, forgives very little and one would wonder why? It is because they have received a partial revelation of what it means to forgive and to be forgiven by the LORD. They forgive today and remind you tomorrow just how much you sinned. They paint themselves holy while everyone else is dirty, this one is a hypocrite in the eyes of the LORD.

The LORD would rather you forgive instead of sowing seeds of condemnation. For with the same measure, you use against your
brother, it shall be used against you. To condone sin is equally wrong in the eyes of God, may the LORD give you the grace not to condemn others when they fall short but also the boldness not to condone wickedness.

How may stones have you cast at others? How many have you kept in your pocket? Have you condemned those the LORD has already forgiven! Are you sure you are without sin! Before you point a finger at another, are you certain you are pure in the eyes of God!

Here is your Prayer Path
Dear Father, I withdraw all the stones I have cast at others and I am sorry I cast them in the first place, please forgive me. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Your Friend,
Pastor Mark. A. Odeke

Mark Odeke Ministries